Author: Rebecca Drake
New Children’s Book Promotes Fire Safety in the Home
Social homes provider ClwydAlyn has partnered with leading home life safety brand Aico, in the creation of a new children’s book which helps young readers to understand vital lessons about fire safety at home.
Katharina Celebrates her 100th Birthday with a Charity Collection
A remarkable resident of Plas Telford independent living community near Wrexham, has marked her milestone 100th birthday surrounded by family and friends, with a celebration as inspiring as her life story.
Community Spirit in Full Swing for Wrexham Retirees
Members of three retirement communities enjoyed a heart-warming afternoon of music, laughter and friendship, thanks to a generous grant from the People’s Postcode Lottery.
Prentisiaethau yn ganolog i Gyflogaeth yn y Dyfodol
Mae’r darparwr tai cymdeithasol ClwydAlyn yn dathlu Wythnos Genedlaethol Prentisiaethau (11-14 Chwefror) drwy dynnu sylw at bwysigrwydd hanfodol prentisiaethau yn y sefydliad a dangos yr amrywiaeth o brentisiaethau a chyfleoedd hyfforddiant sydd ar gael yn y sector tai.
Apprenticeship at the Heart of Employment Futures
Social Housing provider ClwydAlyn is celebrating National Apprenticeship Week by highlighting the vital importance of apprenticeships within its business and showcasing the diversity of apprenticeship and training opportunities within the housing sector.
Dan Adain Cariad – Pat a Ron yn dathlu 60 mlynedd o fywyd priodasol
Pat a Ron Bank yn dathlu 60 mlynedd o fywyd priodasol gyda phryd Sant Ffolant arbennig iawn.
Love Takes Flight; Pat and Ron Celebrate 60 Years of Marriage
Pat and Ron Bank are celebrating their 60th wedding anniversary with a truly special Valentine’s meal.
Cynlluniau i Ailddatblygu Pentref y Pwyliaid Penrhos yn dod yn eu blaenau
Mae’r darparwr tai cymdeithasol ClwydAlyn wedi cyhoeddi y bydd gwaith dymchwel yn dechrau yn fuan ym Mhentref y Pwyliaid Penrhos. Bydd gwaith ailddatblygu sylweddol ar y safle yn arwain at godi 107 o gartrefi newydd y mae galw mawr amdanynt, yn y pentref gwledig hwn yng Ngwynedd.
Penrhos Polish Village Redevelopment Plans Move Forward
Social housing provider ClwydAlyn has announced that demolition work at Penrhos Polish Village will soon begin. Extensive redevelopment at the site, will result in 107 much-needed, new homes in the rural village setting in Gwynedd.