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ClwydAlyn Housing, a leading provider of social housing across North Wales, is looking ahead with optimism. The latest report from S&P Global Ratings, highlights the organisation’s strong financial position, paving the way for continued growth and development.

The report reaffirmed ClwydAlyn’s impressive ‘A’ credit rating, noting the housing association’s financial resources are set to comfortably cover its spending plans. With an estimated £129 million in available funds, including cash, investments, and unused credit facilities, ClwydAlyn is in a strong position to meet its upcoming £74 million in capital expenditures and debt payments.

This financial strength is great news in supporting ClwydAlyn’s mission to beat poverty. With this solid foundation, ClwydAlyn is ready to move forward confidently with their ambitious plans to build and renovate homes across North Wales.

Cris McGuinness, Chair of the Board at ClwydAlyn, expressed her excitement: “We’re delighted to share that ClwydAlyn remains in great financial shape. This means we can continue to invest in future projects and maintain quality homes in North Wales.”

Since 2018, ClwydAlyn has delivered 730 homes, with plans to add 1,000 more by 2027/28. For more information about ClwydAlyn Housing, visit: