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Dedicated staff from ClwydAlyn housing association are preparing to trek 20 miles as part of a national challenge raising “invaluable” funds for homelessness charities.

The North Wales-based housing association will be taking on the walking challenge on June 29th as part of the national Hiking for Housing challenge.

The challenge will see 11 Welsh housing associations take part in sponsored walks, runs or cycles in a bid to support numerous homelessness and prevention charities.

ClwydAlyn will be walking 20 miles from Talacre to Colwyn Bay to raise vital funds for national homelessness charity Shelter Cymru, which aims to defend the right to a safe home in Wales.

Walk leader Amy Teodorescu at ClwydAlyn said:

“We are beyond proud of our team for taking part in this walking challenge which will help to raise much-needed funds for Shelter Cymru.

“Our team have been hard at work training for this 20-mile walk and we’d like to thank everyone who has supported us so far.

“Housing services are more in demand than ever right now, so please give generously to our walk if you can and help support people facing homelessness, please visit our just giving page."
Amy Teodorescu
Walk Leader and Pathway Project Manager for Clwydalyn

Alongside ClwydAlyn, other housing associations taking part in Hiking for Housing are Stori, Cardiff Community Housing Association, Bron Afon, Melin, Monmouthshire Housing Association, Tai Calon, Cartrefi Conwy, Caredig, and Valleys to Coast.

Each housing association has been supported by the sector’s trade body Community Housing Cymru, which has coordinated the walks and brought in experts from team building specialist Call of the Wild and Welsh legal firm Hugh James to advise the participants on their events. Staff from the not-for-profit organisation, which oversees Wales’s 34 housing associations, will also be joining different walks across the country.

“We’re delighted to be supporting and coordinating this fantastic nationwide sponsored walk event.

“We’d like to thank all housing associations and their staff who will be taking part in these walks, and wish them the very best of luck as they walk, run, or cycle the distance.

“Homelessness and housing support services are facing a real terms cut to national funding for the year ahead, which we are extremely concerned about. While we are continuing to push for further support of these vital services, we hope that these events will raise some invaluable and much-needed funds.

“If you are able to sponsor one of the teams taking part, please do.”
Stuart Ropke
Chief Executive at Community Housing Cymru

Those who wish to sponsor a housing association team can visit their individual social media pages and websites, where they will find links to their fundraising pages.

All housing associations have been supported by team building and leadership training experts Call of the Wild, and received legal support from Hugh James.

Community Housing Cymru is the voice of housing associations in Wales, with its members providing almost 165,000 homes to 10% of the Welsh population.

For more information on Community Housing Cymru visit

Just giving page: