What is Social Value?
Social value is an activity or service that goes above and beyond and adds value to the community. We create a lot of social value across our organisation and it’s embedded within our culture and our day to day business. We always look for opportunities to work with external stakeholders and suppliers to increase the impact our work has on our communities and residents. Supporting overall health and well-being and maximising opportunities for education, jobs, and skills development.
Some of the work we do...

Employment, training, education and volunteering
We work with our contractors and partners to offer opportunities to training, volunteering and jobs. Our contractor partner Williams Homes, with support from ClwydAlyn, has set up a factory unit at HMP Berwyn, which produces ready-made housing panels to be used on ClwydAlyn and other new housing developments.
The workshop provides practical skills and qualifications for inmates, to equip them to gain employment on release. ClwydAlyn has invested £41,000 to support the scheme.
The workshop provides practical skills and qualifications for inmates, to equip them to gain employment on release. ClwydAlyn has invested £41,000 to support the scheme.
Work with us

Food poverty
ClwydAlyn continues to be a key partner in Well-Fed, drawing on the expertise of the partnership in order to tackle food poverty amongst our residents and local people. We know that a small, but significant group of around 10% of residents are experiencing extreme food poverty, particularly younger households.
Through the Well-Fed partnership of ClwydAlyn, Flintshire County Council and social enterprise Can Cook, during 2022/23 Well-Fed delivered over 75,000 meals to our Extra Care residents and 6,000 meals to Ukrainian refugees at the Ukrainian Welcome Centre.
Through the Well-Fed partnership of ClwydAlyn, Flintshire County Council and social enterprise Can Cook, during 2022/23 Well-Fed delivered over 75,000 meals to our Extra Care residents and 6,000 meals to Ukrainian refugees at the Ukrainian Welcome Centre.
Get Well-Fed

Fuel poverty
We have set out our Environmental and Sustainability Vision, which aims to ensure that our homes have a pathway to Carbon Zero. Ensures all new developments achieve Carbon Zero, and helps to change the behaviours of our people, residents, and stakeholders to become environmentally aware of their own actions in and out of work.
Delivered in partnership with Warm Wales and TGP Cymru (Supported Living specialists), Healthy Homes People Lives and Communities (HHPLC) brings together energy advice and support, social prescribing, and wellbeing to improve people’s health outcomes by understanding the root causes.
Delivered in partnership with Warm Wales and TGP Cymru (Supported Living specialists), Healthy Homes People Lives and Communities (HHPLC) brings together energy advice and support, social prescribing, and wellbeing to improve people’s health outcomes by understanding the root causes.
Find out more

Digital inclusion
We aim to tackle the barriers to digital inclusion so that there are more opportunities in to employment. We support residents to access online services like Universal Credit, benefit checkers and MyClwydAlyn our online resident portal. We want to reduce social isolation and loneliness by helping people to become digitally connected. We also help people to use digital technology to enhance their health and wellbeing.
Get digital