Conditions and Criteria
All applicants to the Residents Fund should meet the following criteria: –
- Be a ClwydAlyn resident.
- Be in financial need due to unexpected circumstances.
- Unable to pay rent and other essential living expenses such as household bills.
- Not be the subject of any investigation in relation to a breach of tenancy or be in debt because of suspected or actual fraudulent activity.
In general, priority will be given to residents in the following circumstances: –
- Those with caring responsibilities, including childcare.
- Those with special needs, learning disabilities or physical/mental health disabilities.
- Those deemed with a medium or high vulnerability need.
- Those who are entering education.
- Under occupiers who will be exempt in under 12 months.
- Under occupiers pending a downsize or transfer/mutual exchange move.
- Those experiencing hardship due to the implementation of Universal Credit.
- Those experiencing hardship due to the implementation of Personal Independence Payments (PIP).
ClwydAlyn will only support one payment from the Residents Fund for a tenant and family, if applicable, once every 12 months.
Applicants affected by the Bedroom Tax will have to: –
- Have had a Discretionary Housing Payment (DHP) application refused.
- Be actively engaged in downsizing accommodation and/or other solutions to increase their income, e.g. taking in a lodger or looking for employment if applicable.
In addition, applicants may be required to: –
- Have a Financial Health Check with one of our Officers including an income and expenditure assessment.
- Show how their financial situation has worsened.
- Show how they have attempted to obtain assistance from other available sources i.e. Discretionary Housing Payments (DHP), interest free budgeting loan from the DWP or in the case of Universal Credit claimants – budgeting advance.
- Not be able to access other services that may ease their financial situation in any other way.
- Provide supporting evidence if required.
- Had had a DHP application refused if applicable.